CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Rankings – 132 lbs.

Moses Mendoza - Gilroy HS
Moses Mendoza - Gilroy HS
Moses Mendoza - Gilroy HS

California High School Wrestling Rankings

1Gilroy WrestlingMoses MendozaGilroycc11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
2Buchanan WrestlingAshton BesmerBuchanancs11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
3Poway WrestlingBilly TownsonPowaysd12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
4Kingsburg WrestlingLeo MaciasKingsburgcs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
5Sultana WrestlingCale HumpreySultanass10California High School Wrestling State Medalist
6Bakersfield WrestlingCaleb McElroyBakersfieldcs12
7Folsom WrestlingOrion HillFolsomsj10California High School Wrestling State Medalist
8St. John Bosco WrestlingZaydrien HernandezSt. John Boscoss11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
9Western Anaheim WrestlingIsaac GonzalezWesternss12
10Highland Bakersfield WrestlingDaniel BenavidesHighlandcs11
11Monache WrestlingJacob EstradaMonachecs12
12Brawley WrestlingDiego AriasBrawleysd12
13Fountain Valley WrestlingBrady MercerFountain Valleyss12
14Los Gatos WrestlingMichael TerrellLos Gatoscc9
15Oakdale WrestlingJesse MezaOakdalesj11
Esperanza WrestlingChristopher ArreolaEsperanzass9California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Burbank WrestlingJayden Dela RosaBurbankss11
Paloma Valley WrestlingSyruss FloresPaloma Valleyss12
Eisenh WrestlingAzuan Gonzales-RiceEisenhowerss11
Central Catholic WrestlingKekoa OgawaCentral Catholicsj12
February 24, 2025


  1. CalWrestling 24 February, 2025 at 14:46

    Arreola major decisioned Humprey (Sultana) and Mercer (Fountain Valley) at Masters. How did he receive such a low seed? CalGrappler Ranking/Seeding can be a bit lazy. Why not use the CCS ranking system? It seems so much more well thought out.

  2. John 30 November, 2013 at 22:02

    How can you put Zahid ahead of Locsin , Locsin has won the last 2 h2h and Nicholson is a lot heavier.

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