CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Rankings – 157 lbs.

Beau Priest - Bakersfield HS
Beau Priest - Bakersfield HS
Beau Priest - Bakersfield HS

California High School Wrestling Rankings

1Bakersfield WrestlingBeau PriestBakersfieldcs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
2El Diamante WrestlingChristopher CreasonEl Diamantecs11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
3Buchanan WrestlingLeo ContinoBuchanancs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
4Alvarez WrestlingJacob PerezEverett Alvarezcc11
5Clovis North WrestlingMarkez Del BosqueClovis Northcs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
6Fountain Valley WrestlingMikel David UyemuraFountain Valleyss11
7St. John Bosco WrestlingTigran GreyanSt. John Boscoss11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
8Poway WrestlingBailey HolmanPowaysd10California High School Wrestling State Medalist
9Clovis WrestlingJames CurosoCloviscs9California High School Wrestling State Medalist
10Ponderosa WrestlingKaden MartinezPonderosasj12
11Newport Harbor WrestlingAnthony MannoNewport Harborss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
12Warren WrestlingAnthony PerazaWarrenss12
13Lakeside WrestlingJesus GuzmanLakesidess9
14Brea Olinda WrestlingBradley EspinozaBrea Olindass11
Elk Grove WrestlingJacob BriggsElk Grovesj12
Granite Hills WrestlingRyan CarrollGranite Hillssd12
Vacaville WrestlingAydan DucharmeVacavillesj12
Highland Bakersfield WrestlingNicholas HernandezHighlandcs12
Granada WrestlingTyson TranGranadanc12
February 24, 2025


  1. CoachU 21 December, 2016 at 18:21

    I am sure that this is a mere oversight, but, Aaron Olmos of Mater Dei Catholic San Diego Section needs to be on this list. In 2015 he was top 12 at the State Meet. He has already defeated J. Garcia of Frontier at El Dorado Inv. this season.

  2. Machine 16 November, 2016 at 05:45

    Looks like you got the weights all wrong for team Selma Christian Rodriguez 170 pounds Oscar Diaz 160 Jonathan Ramos 152 Tony Mendoza 145. And most of all the guy who beat and Antonio Lorenzo this year at world challenge is not Listed Tristan Lujan 106….

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