CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Rankings – 190 lbs.

Brokton Borelli - Los Banos HS
Brokton Borelli - Los Banos HS
Brokton Borelli - Los Banos HS

California High School Wrestling Rankings

1Los Banos WrestlingBrokton BorelliLos Banossj12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
2Granite Bay WrestlingLevi BusseyGranite Baysj12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
3Pitman WrestlingCarter VannestPitmansj11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
4Clovis North WrestlingJonathan RochaClovis Northcs11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
5Liberty WrestlingDavid Calkins Jr.Liberty-Brentwoodnc11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
6Fountain Valley WrestlingPrimo CatalanoFountain Valleyss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
7Poway WrestlingDominic DotsonPowaysd11
8Gilroy WrestlingKaleo GarciaGilroycc11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
9West Valley WrestlingGabriel BarraganWest Valleyss11
10St. John Bosco WrestlingMason SavidanSt. John Boscoss9California High School Wrestling State Medalist
11Clovis WrestlingLolo ClarkCloviscs11
12Trabuco Hills WrestlingDanny FraileyTrabuco Hillsss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
13Central WrestlingDavid Rapp Jr.Centralcs12
14Westmont WrestlingRichard VegaWestmontcc12
15Northview WrestlingMichael VassalleNorthviewss12
Granada Hills WrestlingDaniel AntikyanGranada Hillsla12
South San Francisco WrestlingDarius De Guzman-De AsisSouth San Franciscocc12
Brawley WrestlingMathew GutierrezBrawleysd12
Vacaville WrestlingBrady WightVacavillesj11
Moorpark WrestlingBrett WilliamsonMoorparkss12
February 24, 2025


  1. gogetit 13 February, 2013 at 18:51

    I agree Gonzalez should be considered at least top 5..IMO. I won’t be shocked when he wins…kids dbl tough has great support & has paid his dues…look for some shockers come March …sometimes its better to fly under the radar “Fish”…just ask VLAD D. from Natomas. Good luck kiddo!

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