2018-19 Way-Too-Early California High School Wrestling State Rankings

California Wrestling High School State Rankings
Yes, we know it’s only June, but it’s never too early to take a look at the best California High School wrestlers next season. The 2018-19 season is shaping up to be a great season with some top young talent returning. Two wrestlers (Cleveland Belton and Jesse Vasquez) will be looking to win their third consecutive title next March. Looking to win their second CIF State title this upcoming year would include Richard Figueroa, Maximo Renteria, Jaden Abas, Matthew Olguin and Trent Tracy.
Bearing in mind that transfers, in-coming freshman and injuries will change some of the likely favorites when teams begin practicing in November, here will be a lot of top wrestlers to watch for:
Please email us at (calgrappler@gmail.com) for any feedback concerning these rankings.
Also, please fill out this quick form if you have a top in-coming freshman with state ranking consideration for this season.
To see the pre-season team rankings – click here
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Peter Ming of Elk Grove is ranked at 170s. Qualified for state at 170’s last year as sophomore, was 2nd in freestyle state at 182s, was a semi-finalist at Iowa Folkstyle Nationals at 182s (4th), was quarter-finalist at Fargo Cadet Freestyles at 195s (lost in blood round). Is 210 pounds now and will wrestle 220s this year as a junior.
Jacob Hansen @ 152 will finish top 3 this season. He’s been on a tear since the State tournament.
Yes, we agree. We see him climbing the rankings real fast.
Joey Cruz Clovis N will drop a bomb in whatever weight he’s in…112? Also, Jayden Gomez Gilroy returning placer
Yes. Gomez (Gilroy) placed 5th last season at 106 lbs.
Joey will be in the finals and probably win it this season at whatever weight he is at.
Y’all just gonna ignore Kevin Fernandez – El Capitan (12) finished top 12 at SJ Masters
And beat Nico Hanessian
Them lower weight classes are loaded