CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Rankings – 215 lbs.

Angelo Posada - Poway HS
Angelo Posada - Poway HS
Angelo Posada - Poway HS
California High School Wrestling Rankings
1Poway WrestlingAngelo PosadaPowaysd12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
2Fountain Valley WrestlingKhale McDonnellFountain Valleyss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
3Mayfair WrestlingKaydee CarteeMayfairss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
4Oakdale WrestlingWes BurfordOakdalesj11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
5Tulare Union WrestlingDominic WilsonTulare Unioncs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
6Frontier WrestlingBrock RiosFrontiercs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
7Buchanan WrestlingSammy SejaBuchanancs9
8Clovis WrestlingAdan CastilloCloviscs10California High School Wrestling State Medalist
9Ukiah WrestlingJordan SchwarmUkiahnc11
10Clovis North WrestlingRoss CinfelClovis Northcs12
11Granite Hills WrestlingEsteban SanchezGranite Hillssd12
12St. John Bosco WrestlingKevin RodriguezSt. John Boscoss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
13Gilroy WrestlingBrian HaranGilroycc10
14Temecula Valley WrestlingNoah WatkinsTemecula Valleyss12
15Serra WrestlingPreston DixonSerracc12
Kingsburg WrestlingEmilio AyalaKingsburgcs11
RF Kennedy WrestlingJace DemacabalinRF Kennedycs11
Montgomery WrestlingRyan GeorgeMontgomerync12
Bella Vista WrestlingMax KeoughBella Vistasj12
Pitman WrestlingJeremiah MoraPitmansj11
February 24, 2025


  1. Christian 12 January, 2017 at 13:52

    You have Hunter Halverson ranked 2 in SJ section two days ago, but he is the highest SJ wrestler ranked in state rankings. What happened to Meyers from Vacaville who you have ranked 1 in SJ section rankings? Thanks

  2. Joshua 23 December, 2016 at 09:01

    So in your southern section rankings at 220 you have Sam from sultana #1, but in your state rankings you don’t even have him in the top 15 why is that?

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