CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Rankings – 120 lbs.

Rocklin Zinkin - Buchanan HS
Rocklin Zinkin - Buchanan HS
Rocklin Zinkin - Buchanan HS

California High School Wrestling Rankings

1Buchanan WrestlingRocklin ZinkinBuchanancs11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
2Poway WrestlingEdwin SierraPowaysd12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
3St. John Bosco WrestlingSean WilcoxSt. John Boscoss11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
4Hesperia WrestlingPaulo ValdezHesperiass12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
5Del Oro WrestlingChristian PerezDel Orosj11
6Walnut WrestlingChristian GarciaWalnutss12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
7Mission Oak WrestlingCaleb RivasMission Oakcs12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
8Camarillo WrestlingCaine MartinCamarilloss10
9Vacaville WrestlingElijah AlmarinezVacavillesj12California High School Wrestling State Medalist
10Bakersfield WrestlingIsaac RonquilloBakersfieldcs12
11Central WrestlingAnthony CastilloCentralcs12
12Gilroy WrestlingJose LimonesGilroycc11
13Fountain Valley WrestlingLiam QureshiFountain Valleyss11
14Brawley WrestlingRicardo OrtizBrawleysd11California High School Wrestling State Medalist
15South Torrance WrestlingCaden GarriottSouth Torrancess10
Folsom WrestlingAnthony CruzFolsomsj11
Northview WrestlingElias FloresNorthviewss10
Clovis North WrestlingAlijah OrtizClovis Northcs12
Durham WrestlingLandon SalindongDurhamns10
Los Gatos WrestlingLuke SchochLos Gatoscc9
February 24, 2025


  1. DadCoach 0927 10 January, 2019 at 07:53

    @120s, Giron just got beat by Schannep of Whitney and Petruske of College Park at Joe Rios.

  2. Eric 2 March, 2016 at 10:39

    Jason Chua ranked above two Central Section wrestlers who have placed in state previous years? He has been pinned by two un ranked wrestlers from the San Diego section and place third at the Raul Huerta tourney this year. C’mon, There is no way he is ranked above Garcia and Perez!

  3. Tone 29 January, 2014 at 12:29

    Brandon Martino head to head at 120’s has beaten Tristan Scott 8-6 at Tim Brown, Perez Perez 5-3 at Doc B, Robert Garcia at Dual Rotational at Clovis High he should be in the Top 15.

  4. jay 20 November, 2012 at 10:37

    Manny boyle he should b up here as well he the # 1 ranked wrestler in .s.d at 26 and has beat some of your wrestler like colt Doyle .. thank

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