St. John Bosco wrestling phenoms are stealth weapons


Valenica working on a takedown in the semi-finals again Gionn Perralta.

Brothers Anthony and Zahid Valencia don’t look the part of wrestling powerhouses, but that’s one more advantage that has helped them become No. 1 in their weight classes.

Moisture, condensation, fog — whatever you want to call it — has made it impossible to peek through two windows on the door of the St. John Bosco wrestling room to see what’s happening inside.

Then the door opens, and a visitor is blasted with a burst of hot air as if a heater is going full throttle.

It’s sauna-like conditions, and yet there’s no machine producing the heat. It’s coming from more than 20 shirtless, sweating wrestlers circling the room and trying to prove what Coach Omar Delgado means when he says, “Wrestling is a six-minute sprint. You go as hard as you can for six minutes.”

In the middle of the action are two brothers, Anthony and Zahid Valencia. They’re freshman phenoms. Zahid is ranked No. 1 in the state at 106 pounds. Anthony is ranked No. 1 at 126 pounds. Zahid is 20-0 with four tournament championships. Anthony is 29-4 with three tournament championships.

They set their alarm clock in their bedroom for 4 a.m. and end up in the family garage, which has its own padded wrestling room. Soon they head to the gym to complete two hours of training before school begins.

To say the Valencia brothers are passionate about wrestling would be an understatement.

“They want to be four-time state champions, want to wrestle in college and they want to be Olympians,” Delgado said.

They have big dreams and are determined to make sure no one works harder.

“We want to get better than everybody else,” the 5-foot-4 Zahid said. “We can’t give anybody an inch.”

Said the 5-7 Anthony: “I’m working out, getting better, knowing nobody else is doing what we’re doing.”

Their father, Ruben, is an assistant coach at St. John Bosco. The brothers are in the same grade because Anthony repeated the fourth grade. He’s 15. Zahid is 14. They are best friends and keep producing accomplishments that leave Delgado in awe.

“This is probably the most unique situation that I’ve come across in 20 years of coaching high school and college wrestling,” he said. “Two boys that are freshmen that are this good.”

Zahid and Anthony both won their divisions earlier this year at the prestigious Doc B tournament in Clovis, earning them praise and cowboy hats that they put up on the wall in their bedroom.

They’ve been wrestling since they were in kindergarten. Their physical stature hardly identifies them as potential future state champions but it only adds to an advantage they gladly accept if an opponent underestimates them.

“They don’t look like athletes at all, and I always tell them, ‘That’s to your benefit,'” Delgado said. “Everyone looks over and they think they can beat them. They look like 98-pound kids. They look like cross country runners.

“Everybody who looks across that mat and says, ‘That’s the No. 1 guy in the state? Oh, I’ll beat that guy.’ As the match progresses, you’ll see their conditioning kick in. They always wear everybody down and end up pinning most guys or winning by technical fall.”

The brothers are just starting their high school wrestling careers, but there’s little doubt wrestling is going to be part of their lives for years to come.
“I just love it,” Zahid said.

“I get excited, especially if it’s a good opponent,” Anthony said.

Delgado believes the boys are uniquely prepared to excel in the sport.

“The endurance it takes is completely different from any other sport, where you have to go six minutes as hard as you can,” Delgado said. “How many guys can do a six-minute sprint? Not many. These boys can do it.”

1Buchanan WrestlingBuchanancs21612
2Poway WrestlingPowaysd210.514
3St. John Bosco WrestlingSt. John Boscoss19813
4Gilroy WrestlingGilroycc18511
5Clovis WrestlingCloviscs15511
6Fountain Valley WrestlingFountain Valleyss107.59
7Clovis North WrestlingClovis Northcs978
8Bakersfield WrestlingBakersfieldcs87.56
9Pitman WrestlingPitmansj75.55
10Los Gatos WrestlingLos Gatoscc665
11Esperanza WrestlingEsperanzass656
12Birmingham WrestlingBirminghamla553
13Walnut WrestlingWalnutss422
14Kingsburg WrestlingKingsburgcs392
15Oakdale WrestlingOakdalesj364
16Los Banos WrestlingLos Banossj301
17JW North WrestlingJW Northss301
18Folsom WrestlingFolsomsj29.54
19Sultana WrestlingSultanass293
20Granite Hills WrestlingGranite Hillssd293
21Del Oro WrestlingDel Orosj293
22Northview WrestlingNorthviewss27.53
23Palma WrestlingPalmacc252
24Granite Bay WrestlingGranite Baysj241
25El Diamante WrestlingEl Diamantecs241
26Camarillo WrestlingCamarilloss23.52
27Frontier WrestlingFrontiercs233
28Merced WrestlingMercedsj211
29Mayfair WrestlingMayfairss211
30Central WrestlingCentralcs213
31Anderson WrestlingAndersonns211
32Liberty - Brentwood WrestlingLiberty-Brentwoodnc20.52
33Hesperia WrestlingHesperiass181
34Alvarez WrestlingEverett Alvarezcc181
35Temecula Valley WrestlingTemecula Valleyss17.52
36Vacaville WrestlingVacavillesj172
37Valencia WrestlingValenciass151
38Tulare Union WrestlingTulare Unioncs151
39Saint Francis WrestlingSaint Franciscc151
40Ponderosa WrestlingPonderosasj142
41Newport Harbor WrestlingNewport Harborss142
42Servite WrestlingServitess12.52
43Lakeside WrestlingLakesidess12.52
44Brawley WrestlingBrawleysd12.52
45Chino WrestlingChinoss121
46Central Catholic WrestlingCentral Catholicsj121
47Bonita WrestlingBonitass121
48Mission Oak WrestlingMission Oakcs101
49Clovis West WrestlingClovis Westcs101
50Bullard WrestlingBullardcs101
Feb. 24, 2025
1Poway WrestlingPowaysd80
T2Clovis East WrestlingClovis Eastcs72.5
T2Santa Ana WrestlingSanta Anass72.5
4Birmingham WrestlingBirminghamla52.5
5Orange Vista WrestlingOrange Vistass50
T6Marina WrestlingMarinass47.5
T6Central WrestlingCentralcs47.5
T6Buchanan WrestlingBuchanancs47.5
9Northview WrestlingNorthviewss45
10Central Catholic WrestlingCentral Catholicsj42.5
T11Pitman WrestlingPitmansj40
T11Corona WrestlingCoronass40
13Highland Bakersfield WrestlingHighland-Bakersfieldcs35
14Del Oro WrestlingDel Orosj25
15Gilroy WrestlingGilroycc17.5
Feb. 5, 2025
Augustana College WrestlingAugustanaChase PetersonFoothill (SJS)141/149Signed
Bakersfield WrestlingCS BakersfieldNoe GarciaGilroy (CCS)197Signed
Bakersfield WrestlingCS BakersfieldDominic DuCharmeWindsor (NCS)165Signed
Bakersfield WrestlingCS BakersfieldZak LevatinoBuchanan (CS)285Signed
Bakersfield WrestlingCS BakersfieldKalani TongeElk Grove (SJS)133Signed
Bakersfield WrestlingCS BakersfieldJacob SiederSouth Torrance (SS)184Signed
Cal Baptist WrestlingCal BaptistGreg GaxiolaBuchanan (CS)149Signed
Cal Baptist WrestlingCal BaptistDonovin GuerreroDe La Salle (NCS)125Signed
Cal Poly WrestlingCal PolyCurtis BoothFolsom (SJS)141Signed
Cal Poly WrestlingCal PolyJason BergquistFolsom (SJS)165Signed
Cal Poly WrestlingCal PolyJesse MadrigalOak Hills (SS)197Verbal
Cal Poly WrestlingCal PolyNicolas IversenUkiah (NS)285Signed
Cal Poly WrestlingCal PolyJett MoySan Marcos (SS)149Signed
Campbellsville WrestlingCampbellsvilleAaron RugnaoBear Creek (SJS)133Signed
Campbellsville WrestlingCampbellsvilleAdrian CamposanoCentral (CS)
via Fresno City CC
Chadron State WrestlingChadron StateRichard BlackCesar Chavez
via Neosho CC
Chadron State WrestlingChadron StateAnthony OrozcoTurlock (SJS)157Signed
Clackamas WrestlingClackamas CCDavid CampbellMission Oak (CS)125Signed
Clackamas WrestlingClackamas CCRalphy TovarPoway (SDS)
via Grand Canyon
Clackamas WrestlingClackamas CCChris BaileyPoway (SDS)197Signed
Clackamas WrestlingClackamas CCNick MaximovChico (NS)174Signed
Colorado State Pueblo WrestlingColorado State PuebloGavin MelendezGilroy (CCS)133Signed
Colorado Mesa WrestlingColorado Mesa CollegeKyle JenningsPonderosa (SJS)285Signed
Columbia WrestlingColumbiaMichael BulkinDel Norte (SDS)285Verbal
Concordia WrestlingConcordiaAnthony ZepedaCalifornia (SS)
via Rio Hondo JC
Concordia WrestlingConcordiaGiovanni CastilloCentennial (SS)
via Mt. Sac CC
Cornell WrestlingCornellTrence GillemHelix Charter (SDS)133Verbal
Dickinson State WrestlingDickinson StateJason ZecchiniMt. Whitney (SS)
via Sac City CC
Drexel WrestlingDrexelJulian FloresSan Marino (SS)141Signed
Drexel WrestlingDrexelKai KramerLa Costa Canyon (SD)125Verbal
Duke WrestlingDukeRoman RomeroMcNair (SJS)184Verbal
Emmanuel College WrestlingEmmanuel CollegeJesse GomezBuena Park (SS)
via Cerritos College
Fresno State WrestlingFresno StateJosh HokitClovis (CS)184Signed
Fresno State WrestlingFresno StateIsaiah HokitClovis (CS)
via Drexel
Fresno State WrestlingFresno StateBeau ColombiniWindsor (NC)174Verbal
Fresno State WrestlingFresno StateKristian OlivasClovis (CS)
via Utah Valley
Hastings WrestlingHastingsMike McCauleyVacaville (SJ)285Signed
Hastings WrestlingHastingsGunnar GardnerClovis North (CS)285Signed
Hastings WrestlingHastingsJeremiah GerlCalvary Chapel-Downey (SS)
via Cerritos
Hastings WrestlingHastingsJake WoodNewbury Park (SS)197Signed
Hastings WrestlingHastingsNick RohrerOak Ridge (SJS)
via Sac City CC
Hastings WrestlingHastingsChris VaughanMcClatchy (SJS)
via Sac City CC
Indiana WrestlingIndianaLiam CroninServite (SS)125Signed
Indiana Tech WrestlingIndiana TechOscar Martinez Centennial (SS)197Signed
Wheeling Jesuit WrestlingWheeling JesuitDaniel RomeroMontclair (SS)
via Rio Hondo JC
Lindenwood-BellevilleLindenwoodMax IrvinChaparral (SS)125Verbal
McKendree WrestlingMcKendreeRuben GarciaSelma (CS)157Verbal
Menlo WrestlingMenloJavier GonzalezUpland (SS)
via Rio Hondo JC
Michigan WrestlingMichiganTyler MeisingerSan Clemente (SS)157Verbal
Michigan State WrestlingMichigan StateChristian RebottaroMonta Vista Chrisitan (CCS)285Verbal
Midland WrestlingMidlandElias MercadoCalifornia (NCS)
via Rio Hondo CC
Minot State WrestlingMinot StateDean ArevaloRiverside Poly (SS)125Signed
Minot State WrestlingMinot StateAndrew Helfrich El Modena (SS)184Signed
Nebraska Kearney WrestlingNebraska KearneyAlex CisnerosSelma (CS)
via Cornell
Nebraska Kearney WrestlingNebraska KearneyJonas GaytanClovis (CS)
via Fresno City CC
New York University WrestlingNew York URiley PatersonServite (SS)174Verbal
North Carolina WrestlingNorth CarolinaDaniel ChaidBellarmine Prep (CCS)
via Grand Canyon
Northern Illinois WrestlingNorthern IllinoisZack VelasquezPonderosa (SJS)
via Grand Canyon
Northern Illinois WrestlingNorthern IllinoisKenneth MooreHoover (SDS)
via Grand Canyon
Northern State WrestlingNorthern StateKenny JonesLassen (NS)133/141Signed
Northern State WrestlingNorthern StateRichie CasillasNorthview (SS)125Signed
Northern State WrestlingNorthern StateSteven AbbottOrland (NS)174Signed
Northwestern College IA WrestlingNorthwestern College (IA)D'rell GistHelix Charter (SDS)174Verbal
Northwestern College IA WrestlingNorthwestern College (IA)Dante PreciadoCastle Park (SS)141Verbal
Oklahoma WrestlingOklahomaJustin ThomasCalvary Chapel (SS)165Signed
Oklahoma WrestlingOklahomaJeremy ThomasCalvary Chapel (SS)157Signed
Oklahoma City WrestlingOklahoma CityIsaiah SmithOrland (NS)
via Sac City CC
Oregon State WrestlingOregon StateDevan TurnerDixon (SJS)125Signed
Old Dominion WrestlingOld DominionAbner RomeroBuchanan (CS)165Signed
Old Dominion WrestlingOld DominionIsrael SaavedraGranite Bay (SJS)133Verbal
Penn State WrestlingPenn StateAJ NevillsClovis (CS)197Verbal
San Francisco State WrestlingSan Francisco StateMason BoutainBenicia (SJS)149Signed
San Francisco State WrestlingSan Francisco StateJustin PichedwatanaMayfair (SS)165Signed
San Francisco State WrestlingSan Francisco StateMorris WilnerCalvary Chapel (SS)184Signed
San Francisco State WrestlingSan Francisco StateKurtis ClemChico (NS)149Signed
South Dakota State WrestlingSouth Dakota StatePhillip ZamoraLaguna Hills (SS)149Signed
Southern Oregon WrestlingSouthern OregonEric SchwarkCasa Robles (SJS)184Signed
Stanford WrestlingStanfordBrandon KierPoway (SDS)133Signed
Tennessee Chattanooga WrestlingTennessee ChattanoogaDylan ForzaniSalinas (NCS)
via Sac City CC
Utah Valley State WrestlingUtah ValleyDurbin LlorenBuchanan (CS)133Verbal
West Virginia WrestlingWest VirginiaZachary SchraderArmy and Navy Academy197Signed
Western State Colorado WrestlingWestern StateGarrett StrangChaparral (SS)170Verbal
Wisconsin WrestlingWisconsinEvan WickSan Marino (SS)157Verbal
Wisconsin WrestlingWisconsinZander WickSan Marino (SS)149Verbal
Dec. 4-5Newark Rotary Ironman DualsNewark Memorial HS – Tim Hess ( – More InfoResults
Dec. 4-5Carlsbad InvitationalCarlsbad HS – Ross O’Briant (
12/5/2016San Marino Ara KumjianSan Marino HS – Mauricio Mora (
12/5/2016El Dorado InviteEl Dorado HS – Steve LawsonResults
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12/5/2016Newbury ParkNewbury Park HSResults
12/5/2016Pete DucaSanta Maria HSResults
Dec. 4-5Doc Peterson ClassicOrland HS – Vic Perry
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12/5/2016Ponderosa DualsPonderosa HS – Tyson Escobar (
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12/5/2016Rumble for the RigBakersfield HS – Andy Varner
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12/5/2016McNair InviteMcNair HSResults
12/5/2016Vista del Lago Varsity TournamentVista del Lago HSResults
12/12/2016Curt Mettler InvitationalElk Grove HS – Pat Coffing (
Dec. 11-12Walsh IronmanCuyahoga Falls, OHResults
Dec. 11-12Clovis West ShootoutClovis West HS – Ian Shaw (
Dec. 11-12La Costa Canyon Classic “Hamada Memorial”La Costa Canyon HS – Dwayne Buth (
Dec. 11-12Edison Beach BashEdison HS – David Niedringhaus (
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12/12/2016American Canyon ClassicAmerican Canyon HS – Rick Manibusan (
Dec. 11-12Webber Lawson MemorialDaniel McCune (
Dec. 11-12Chukchansi InvitationalMadera South HS – Jason Gaeth-Pearce (
12/12/2016Marauder InvitationalMira Mesa HS – Dean Brown (
Dec. 11-12Eagle InvitationalLancaster HS – Jon Rugan (
Dec. 11-12James Riddle ClassicOakdale HS – Steve Strange (
Dec. 11-12Andrew Pena ClassicIrvine HS – John Phillips (
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Dec. 11-12Scott Davis InvitationalMater Dei HS – Luis Renteria (
Dec. 11-12Bay Area 52Castro Valley HS
Dec. 18-19Zinkin ClassicBuchanan HS – Lonnie Nash (
Dec. 18-19Colton Christmas ClassicColton HS – Anthony Urrea (
Dec. 18-19Downey Viking InvitationalDowney HS – Miguel Soto (
Dec. 18-19Reno TOCReno, NVSeeds
Dec. 18-19West Coast ClassicRosemead HSResults
12/19/2016California ClassicReedly HSResults
12/19/2016Al DingwallGranite Hills HS – Kirk RidingResults
Dec. 18-198th Annual Timberwolves Holiday BashFort Bragg HS – Bernie Norvell (
12/19/2016Marty Manges InvitationalCasa Roble HS – Rene Delgado (
12/19/2016Christopher Savedra MemorialWheatland HSResults
12/19/2016Bill Martell InvitationalNorthgate HS – Carlos Sumulong (
12/19/2016Napa Valley ClassicAmerican Canyon HSResults
Dec. 18-19Mann ClassicSantiago Cayon CC – Alan Clinton (
Dec. 18-19Ed Springs ClassicBrea Olinda HS – Feargus McTagert (
Dec. 18-19El Cajon InvitationalOtay Ranch HS – Steve Bulette (
12/19/2016Healdsburg DualsHealdsburg HSResults
12/19/2016Morningstar InvitationalLos Banos HS – Josh Adams (
12/22/2016Brute Calif. RumbleBishop Amat HS – Tom Pierre (
Dec. 22-23Lou Bronzan InvitationalLiberty HSResults
Dec. 28-29California Coast ClassicAptos HS – Reggie Roberts (
Dec. 29-30Sierra Nevada ClassicReno Livestock Convention Center – (
Dec. 28-29BlackwatchUpton HS – Leonard BumpusResults
Dec. 29-30Tournament of ChampionsCerritos College – Gerardo Rodriguez (
Dec. 25-26The BashGolden Eagle Sports Arena – Kent Olson (
Dec. 29-30Shark TankSantiago HS – Rock SanAngelo (
Dec. 29-30Rumble at the LakeLakeside HS – Jed Clark (
Jan. 1-2Nogales SuperChampsNogales HS – Victor BonillaResults
1/2/20163rd Annual Pirate InvitationalPittsburgh HS – Andy Huynh (
Jan. 1-2Willemstein InvitationalOntario HSResults
Jan. 8-9Doc Buchanan InvitationalClovis HS – Steve Tirapelle (
Jan. 8-9Joe Rios MemorialChico HSResults
Jan. 8-9Asics SoCal ChallengeTustin HS – Scott Glabb (
Jan. 8-9Dinuba InvitatonalDinuba HS – Michael Wright (
1/9/201612th Annual Mat ClassicGranada HS – Clark Conover (
1/9/2016San Bernadino ChampionshipsGrand Terrace HS – Oscar BrisenoResults
1/9/2016Bianchini InvitationalCupertino HSResults
Jan. 8-9Lloyd EngelEscalon HS – Derrick Scott
Jan. 8-9Arroyo ClassicArroyo HS – Can Tran (
Jan. 8-9Apple Cider ClassicWatsonville HSResults
Jan. 8-9NorCal Beast of the NorthAnderson HSResults
Jan. 8-9Cupertino Ruppel TournamentCupertino HSResults
1/9/2016San Ramon Valley InvitationalSan Ramon Valley HSResults
1/9/2016Juan Enriquez MemorialJohn Glenn HSResults
1/9/2016Sam De John InvitationalSan Fernando HSResults
1/9/2016Riverside County ChampionshipArlington HSResults
1/9/2016Amaral MemorialSilverado HSResults
1/9/2016EsperanzaEsperanza HSResults
1/9/2016Inland Empire TOCJurupa Hills HSResults
1/9/2016Jim Londos MemorialOrange Glen HS – Danny varela (
Jan. 15-16Battle for the BeltTemecula Valley HS – Arnold Alpert (
Jan. 15-16Tim Brown MemorialSacramento Memorial Auditorium – Bill LumResults
Jan. 15-16Five CountiesFountain Valley HS – Brad Woodbury (
Jan. 15-16Kern County InvitationalCentennial HS – Mike Hicks (
Jan. 15-16American Canyon Wolf PackAmerican Canyon HSResults
1/16/2016Clayton Valley InvitationalClayton Valley HS – Kyle BehmlanderResults
1/16/2016Firebaugh WestsideFirebaugh HSResults
1/16/2016Monte VistaMonte Vista HSResults
1/16/2016Michael Kroppmann Memorial Invt.Clear Lake HSResults
Jan. 15-16Santa Ynez InvitationalSanta Ynez HS – Brian Wallace (Bwallace@SYVUHSD.ORG)Results
1/16/2016Sutter Lion InvitationalSutter HS – Ryan Reynolds (
1/16/2016Mark Fuller InvitationalLincoln HS – Dan Williams (
1/16/2016Lancers Varsity InvitationalCordova HS
Jan. 15-16Troy InvitationalTroy HSResults
1/16/2016Jim Root ClassicProspect HSResults
1/16/2016Bert Mar InvitationalChristopher HS
1/16/2016King of the MatWindsor HS – Rich Carnation
1/16/2016Armijo InvitationalArmijo HS
Jan. 22-23Mid-CalsGilroy HS – Greg VarelaResults
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Jan. 22-23CIT Morro BayMorro Bay HS – John Andree (
Jan. 22-23Raul Huerta MemorialCanyon Springs HS – Jason Lowe (
1/23/2016Dick ComlyVictor Valley HS – Lance Smith (
Jan. 22-23Cavalier ClassicSantiago GG – Aaron Shahrestani (
Jan. 22-23Laguna Hills InviteLaguna Hills HS – Cliff JarmieResults
1/23/2016North Coast ClassicEureka HSResults
Jan. 22-23Bob Bellot InvitationalMontclair HS – Gilbert Diaz (
1/23/2016San MarcosSan Marcos HSResults
Jan. 22-23The PoundSan Rafael HS – Coach Boyd (
Jan. 29-30Lou Encalada InvitationalRodriguez HS – Michael Clarkston (
1/30/2016Trojan WarOak Ridge HSResults
Jan. 29-30Dawn 2 DuskMarin Catholic HS – Chris FederResults
1/30/2016Rumble in the JunglePitman HS
Jan. 29-30Central Valley InvitationalGolden West HS – Richard Sanchez (
Jan. 29-30Highland InvitationalHighland-Bakersfield HS – Paul Gonzales (
1/30/2016Puma ClassicMaria Carillo – Tim Bruce HS
2/6/2016SJS Team ChampionshipsLincoln-Stockton HSResults
Feb. 5-6Mission San Jose InvitationalMission San Jose HS – Larry KatzResults
2/6/20165th Annual Colt InvitationalEl Camino HS (South SF) – Ray Reyes (
2/6/2016South Bay InvitationalSouth Bay HS
2/6/2016SS Sunset League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Sea View League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Orange League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Pacific Coast League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS South Coast League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Orange Coast League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Freeway League FinalsTBA
2/13/2016SS Suburban League FinalsJohn Glenn HSResults
2/13/2016CS SEYLTBAResults
2/13/2016CS North Yosemite LeagueRoosevelt HSResults
2/13/2016CS Southeastern Yosemite LeagueTBAResults
2/13/2016CS South Yosemite LeagueEast Bakersfield HSResults
2/13/2016CS East Yosemite LeagueTBAResults
2/13/2016CS Central Sequoia LeagueTBA
2/13/2016CS TRACTBAResults
2/13/2016CS West Yosemite LeagueTBAResults
2/13/2016CS CMACTBAResults
2/13/2016SJS Sierra Foothill LeagueGranite Bay HSResults
2/13/2016SJS CVCWhitney HSResults
2/13/2016SJS MetroTBA
2/13/2016SJS Pioneer ValleyTBAResults
2/13/2016SJS MELTBAResults
2/13/2016SJS AATBAResults
2/13/2016SJS Delta River LeagueElk Grove HSResults
2/13/2016SJS TCC LeagueTBAResults
2/13/2016SJS Solano County Athletic ConferenceTBA
2/13/2016NS EALTBA
2/13/2016NS NALTBA
2/13/2016NS SCLTBAResults
2/13/2016NS SVLTBAResults
2/13/2016NS BVLTBAResults
Feb. 19-20NS – Division 1TBA
Feb. 19-20NS – Division 2TBA
Feb. 19-20NS – Division 3 & 4TBA
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D1AElk Grove HSResults
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D1AALincoln-Stockton HSResults
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D2Antelope HSResults
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D3Oakdale HSResults
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D4Central Valley HSResults
Feb. 19-20SJS – Divisionals D5Escalon HSResults
Feb. 19-20CS – Sierra Sequoia ValleyTBAResults
Feb. 19-20CS – Yosemite ValleyTBAResults
Feb. 19-20SDS – D1TBA
Feb. 19-20SDS – D2TBA
Feb. 19-20SDS – D3TBA
Feb. 19-20SDS – D4TBA
Feb. 19-20SS – SouthernMarina HSResults
Feb. 19-20SS – NorthernSanta Maria HSResults
Feb. 19-20SS – CentralGrand Terrace HSResults
Feb. 19-20SS – InlandTemecula Valley HSResults
Feb. 19-20SS – EasternCitrus Hill HSResults
Feb. 19-20SS – CoastalSantiago HSResults
Feb. 19-20CCS MastersIndependence HSResults
Feb. 26-27SS MastersCitizen Bank ArenaResults
Feb. 26-27SJS MastersStockton ArenaResults
2/27/2016CS MastersLemoore HSResults
Feb. 26-27NS MastersCivic CenterResults
Feb. 26-27NCS MastersJames Logan HSResults
Feb. 26-27SDS MastersChristian HSResults
Feb. 26-27SFS MastersTBA
Feb. 26-27OS MastersTBA
2/20/2016LAS MastersTBA
Mar. 4-5State MeetBakersfield – Rabobank ArenaBrackets

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