CalGrappler California High School Wrestling Team Rankings

California HS Boys Team State Rankings 2024-25
California HS Boys Team State Rankings 2024-25
California HS Boys Team State Rankings 2024-25

California High School Wrestling Team Rankings

1Buchanan WrestlingBuchanancs21612
2Poway WrestlingPowaysd210.514
3St. John Bosco WrestlingSt. John Boscoss19813
4Gilroy WrestlingGilroycc18511
5Clovis WrestlingCloviscs15511
6Fountain Valley WrestlingFountain Valleyss107.59
7Clovis North WrestlingClovis Northcs978
8Bakersfield WrestlingBakersfieldcs87.56
9Pitman WrestlingPitmansj75.55
10Los Gatos WrestlingLos Gatoscc665
11Esperanza WrestlingEsperanzass656
12Birmingham WrestlingBirminghamla553
13Walnut WrestlingWalnutss422
14Kingsburg WrestlingKingsburgcs392
15Oakdale WrestlingOakdalesj364
16Los Banos WrestlingLos Banossj301
17JW North WrestlingJW Northss301
18Folsom WrestlingFolsomsj29.54
19Sultana WrestlingSultanass293
20Granite Hills WrestlingGranite Hillssd293
21Del Oro WrestlingDel Orosj293
22Northview WrestlingNorthviewss27.53
23Palma WrestlingPalmacc252
24Granite Bay WrestlingGranite Baysj241
25El Diamante WrestlingEl Diamantecs241
26Camarillo WrestlingCamarilloss23.52
27Frontier WrestlingFrontiercs233
28Merced WrestlingMercedsj211
29Mayfair WrestlingMayfairss211
30Central WrestlingCentralcs213
31Anderson WrestlingAndersonns211
32Liberty - Brentwood WrestlingLiberty-Brentwoodnc20.52
33Hesperia WrestlingHesperiass181
34Alvarez WrestlingEverett Alvarezcc181
35Temecula Valley WrestlingTemecula Valleyss17.52
36Vacaville WrestlingVacavillesj172
37Valencia WrestlingValenciass151
38Tulare Union WrestlingTulare Unioncs151
39Saint Francis WrestlingSaint Franciscc151
40Ponderosa WrestlingPonderosasj142
41Newport Harbor WrestlingNewport Harborss142
42Servite WrestlingServitess12.52
43Lakeside WrestlingLakesidess12.52
44Brawley WrestlingBrawleysd12.52
45Chino WrestlingChinoss121
46Central Catholic WrestlingCentral Catholicsj121
47Bonita WrestlingBonitass121
48Mission Oak WrestlingMission Oakcs101
49Clovis West WrestlingClovis Westcs101
50Bullard WrestlingBullardcs101
Feb. 24, 2025


    • CalGrappler 27 January, 2023 at 08:08

      Congratulations to Linden. Please remember though, these are team state rankings and not dual rankings. Stagg has a state ranked wrestler that puts them above teams that don’t have one.

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