Class of 2024 – Top Wrestlers

California High School Wrestling - Top Incoming Freshmen

California High School Wrestling - Top Incoming Freshmen

Here are the top freshman hammers who will be looking to make an impact this 2021 season. Many of these kids have dominated at the junior high level and will continue their run through high school. Comment below on who you think will have a great shot at placing at the State Meet in June (10th- 12th).

Did we leave any wrestlers off the list? Fill out the form below to get a wrestler added.

Bakersfield WrestlingJake HoneyBakersfield (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Bakersfield WrestlingMichael MurilloBakersfield (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Bakersfield WrestlingAustin SimmonsBakersfield (cs)
Buchanan WrestlingAlec DansbyBuchanan (cs)
Buchanan WrestlingGavin BauderBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingAnthony HarrisBuchanan (cs)
Calvary Chapel WrestlingMax McWilliamsCalvary Chapel (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Calvary Chapel WrestlingJack EstevezCalvary Chapel (ss)
Canyon Springs WrestlingRichard MurilloCanyon Springs (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Canyon Springs WrestlingSonny KlingCanyon Springs (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Carlsbad WrestlingMason WalshCarlsbad (sd)
Castro Valley WrestlingJack ClarkeCastro Valley (nc)
Chico WrestlingRyan ClinkChico (ns)
Chico WrestlingGeo RicoChico (ns)
Clovis WrestlingJoe BuckClovis (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Clovis WrestlingEli GranadaClovis (cs)
Corona del Mar WrestlingEugenio FrancoCorona Del Mar (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
De La Salle WrestlingCaleb TatadDe La Salle (ncs)
Del Oro WrestlingJagger FrenchDel Oro (sj)
Del Oro WrestlingLogan BanksDel Oro (sj)
Dinuba WrestlingJulian RamirezDinuba (cs)
El Dorado WrestlingIsaiah QuinteroEl Dorado (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Elk Grove WrestlingEric CortezElk Grove (sj)
Exeter WrestlingTommy ThongsengExeter (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Fountain Valley WrestlingAnthony LucioFountain Valley (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Fountain Valley WrestlingHercules WindrathFountain Valley (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Fountain Valley WrestlingRyland WhitworthFountain Valley (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Frontier WrestlingMiguel EstradaFrontier (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Frontier WrestlingBrycen TablitFrontier (cs)
Gilroy WrestlingCody MerrillGilroy (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Gilroy WrestlingMoses MirabelGilroy (ccs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Granada WrestlingJason VictoriaGranada (nc)
Granite Hills WrestlingCollin GuffeyGranite Hills (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Olympian WrestlingAbram ClineGranite Hills (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Hughson WrestlingNicholas PerezHughson (sj)
Kingsburg WrestlingAlek VanBebberKingsburg (cs)
Lincoln-Stockton WrestlingQuintin MaldonadoLincoln-Stockton (si)
Liberty - Brentwood WrestlingDavid CalkinsLiberty (nc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Linden WrestlingAnthony OrtegaLinden (sj)
Los Gatos WrestlingEJ ParcoLos Gatos (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Los Banos WrestlingLarry BorelliLos Banos (sj)
Los Gatos WrestlingTimmy MurabitoLos Gatos (cc)
Norco WrestlingLarry (Trey) HylandNorco (ss)
Northview WrestlingMarcus TolentinoNorthview (ss)
Oakdale WrestlingEziekiel VelaOakdale (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Oakdale WrestlingCarlos GarciaOakdale (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Orland WrestlingAlex FonsecaOrland (ns)
Orland WrestlingLucas LanderosOrland (ns)
Palm Desert WrestlingBrock MantanonaPalm Desert (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Palm Desert WrestlingAndrew BarbosaPalm Desert (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Palm Desert WrestlingDavid AlonsoPalm Desert (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Palma WrestlingLogan SaldatePalma (ccs)
Ponderosa WrestlingJulian SanchezPonderosa (cs)
Ponderosa WrestlingChristian PebleyPonderosa (cs)
Poway WrestlingElias NavidaPoway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Poway WrestlingPaul KellyPoway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Poway WrestlingRobert PlattPoway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Poway WrestlingLaird RootPoway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Poway WrestlingAliaksandr KikiniouPoway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Poway WrestlingAdam Farha Poway (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Rancho Bernardo WrestlingMarcus CaroRancho Bernardo (sd)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Rancho Bernardo WrestlingRJ VillegasRancho Bernardo (sd)
Eleanor Roosevelt WrestlingBrian LeonRoosevelt (ss)
Royal WrestlingMason CarrilloRoyal (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Saint Francis WrestlingBryce LunaSaint Francis (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Selma WrestlingDamien AlvarezSelma (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Selma WrestlingMalachi CarrascoSelma (cs)
St. John Bosco WrestlingGrigor CholakyanSt. John Bosco (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Sobrato WrestlingAden ValenciaSobrato (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Sobrato WrestlingClemente HolguinSobrato (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Temecula Valley WrestlingNathan PerrymanTemecula Valley (ss)
Turlock WrestlingJeremy BertalottoTurlock (sj)
Vacaville WrestlingThomas SandovalVacaville (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Vacaville WrestlingArjun NagraVacaville (sj)
Vintage WrestlingJoseph EllisVintage (nc)
Whitney WrestlingAnthony BergWhitney (sj)
Yucaipa WrestlingDiego CostaYucaipa (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist


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