Highland – Team Preview 2014-15

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1. Team

Highland of Bakersfield

2. Coach Name(s)

Paul Gonzales

3. 2013-14 Dual Record


4. 2013-14 League Place


5. 2013-14 Masters Finish


6. 2013-14 Team State Finish


7. 2013-14 State Placers


8. Top Returners

Emmett Kuntz 106, Sammy Davila 113, Eric Saavedra 195, Demarco Bocanergo 220, girls valley champ Courtney Borojoquez

9. Top Newcomers

Hayden Dyc 126, Trevor Kelley 140, Mariah Cavaes  Mike Mendez, Vincent Ramos, Anthony Salcido & PJ Gonzales

10. Tough Tournaments you’re attending this season

Shark Tank, C.I.T., Bash

11. 2014-15 Season Outlook

Our goals are to get as many as we can to the state meet with placing them. On the girls side is to get as many as we can and become the first all girls team in Bakersfield with Valley Champion Courtney Borojoquez 11th as team captain and having her place at state.

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