Nevills, Pico, Valencia, Ryan & Olivas among Grade Rankings

Intermat Rankings

Intermat Rankings6/26/2013
Josh Lowe, InterMat High School Analyst

This last week of June is always a busy time in the world of scholastic wrestling. One of those upcoming milestones is July 1, which is the start of the official contact period between colleges and prospects in the rising senior class. It is on this note that InterMat provides updated grade rankings, the first rankings for the upcoming 2013-14 cycle. The rising senior Class of 2014 rankings feature the Top 100 wrestlers in that grade, while those for the rising junior and sophomore classes feature the Top 50, the Top 25 incoming freshmen are presented, while a ranking of the top 15 junior high wrestlers is also provided.

The top wrestler in the rising senior class remains Chance Marsteller (Kennard-Dale, Pa.), a three-time state champion who has yet to lose a high school match. Lance Benick (Totino Grace, Minn.) moves up to the top spot in the Class of 2015 after winning a title at the FILA Cadet Nationals in freestyle; he is already a two-time state champion, and was a Cadet Triple Crown winner last summer. Remaining on top of the Class of 2016 is Aaron Pico (St. John Bosco, Calif.), while Spencer Lee (Franklin Regional, Pa.) does the same for the Class of 2017. Newly-minted as the top wrestler in the junior jigh group is Cade Olivas (California), who has won titles at the FILA Cadet Greco-Roman Nationals and Cadet Folkstyle Nationals this spring.


Below is a sneak peek at the top wrestlers in each grade.

Seniors (Top Ten):
1. Chance Marsteller (Kennard Dale, Pa.)
2. Kyle Snyder (Good Counsel, Md.)
3. Bryce Brill (Mount Carmel, Ill.)
4. Nick Nevills (Clovis, Calif.)
5. Thomas Haines (Solanco, Pa.)
6. Hayden Tuma (Centennial, Idaho)
7. Jered Cortez (Glenbard North, Ill.)
8. Bo Nickal (Allen, Texas)
9. Micah Jordan (St. Paris Graham, Ohio)
10. Joey McKenna (Blair Academy, N.J.)

Juniors (Top Five):
1. Lance Benick (Totino-Grace, Minn.)
2. Myles Martin (McDonogh, Md.)
3. Logan Massa (St. Johns, Mich.)
4. Fox Baldwin (Osceola, Fla.)
5. Zahid Valencia (St. John Bosco, Calif.)

Sophomores(Top Five):
1. Aaron Pico (St. John Bosco, Calif.)
2. Mark Hall (Apple Valley, Minn.)
3. Mason Manville (Blair Academy, N.J.)
4. Alex Marinelli (St. Paris Graham, Ohio)
5. Nick Suriano (Bergen Catholic, N.J.)

Freshmen (Top Five):
1. Spencer Lee (Franklin Regional, Pa.)
2. Brady Berge (Kasson-Mantorville, Minn.)
3. Nick Lee (Evansville Mater Dei, Ind.)
4. Jelani Embree (South Lake, Mich.)
5. Yianni Diakomihalis (Hilton, N.Y.)

Junior High (Top Five):
1. Cade Olivas (California)
2. Rocky Jordan (Ohio)
3. Anthony Madrigal (Illinois)
4. Jake Ryan (California)
5. Brock Hardy (Utah)

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