Sam Lopez New Head Coach at Woodlake High School

Sam Lopez
September 17, 2021
Woodlake High School is proud to announce Sam Lopez as Head Wrestling Coach. Coach Lopez brings over 30 years of high school wrestling coaching experience in Orange County and Central California. Notably, Coach Lopez was the Head Coach at Selma High School from 2008-2020 where his teams received top 5 finishes in the state 7 times. In 2019, coach Lopez was one of 13 coaches in the state to receive EastBay Model Coach award that recognizes coaches of character who serves as role models for their students and the communities they serve. Now also the Independent Study teacher for Woodlake Unified School District’s Educational Options program, coach Lopez brings energy, experience, and accolades to help jumpstart our rising program.
For any questions regarding this release, please contact Jose Palomo, Athletic Director, or Mike Burchett, Principal at the school number or by email.
Mike Burchett, WHS Principal
Jose Palomo, WUD Athletics Director
Sam Lopez, WHS Head Wrestling Coach