Western States is Coming!

Western States Tournament

Western States Tournament

The 17th Annual
Hosted by Clovis High School,
1055 Fowler Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611
April 17-18, 2015

Tournament Info: Western States Tournament Info

Registration Info: Western States Registration Info

Age Division Info: Western States Age Divisions


1. EVENT DIRECTOR: Stephen Tirapelle (559) 270-2406 Cell, Email stirapelle@gmail.com

Adam Tirapelle (559) 213-2729 email atirapelle@gmail.com
Ben Holscher (559) 341-9764 email benholscher144@gmail.com
Ralph Garcia (559) 930-0145 email coachralphgarcia@yahoo.com

3. REGISTRATION: To register, go to www.cloviswrestling.com website and open link to the Western States Wrestling Championships. You must have a current SCWAY participant membership to register. This is an on-line registration only event!

4. OUTSTANDING AWARDS: The CHAMPION in every weight division receive a custom cougar resin statues and custom 5” medallions for first-sixth places.

5. PARTICIPANTS: You must present a current SCWAY athlete membership card and provide proof of age upon request. SCWAY cards are available on-line at scway.org/ Cards are NOT available on site. Anyone who meets the age division requirement is eligible for competition.

6. AGE DIVISIONS: When registering, participant will enter their age division, determined by the competitor’s age on April 18, 2015 (4/18/2015), the day of competition.

7. WEIGHT DIVISIONS: When registering, register in to the correct age/weight division. Weight changes may be made April 17, 2015 at final registration for a $20 change bracket fee.

8. WEIGH-INS: All age division weigh-ins, Friday, April 17, 2015, 7-8 p.m.

9. WEIGHT CHANGES: A $20 weight change (cash only) fee will be charged for any bracket changes!

10. RULES: National Federation of State High School Association rule book with time modification by age divisions.

11. UNIFORM: Singlet worn for weigh-in and competition.

12. COACHING FLOOR PASSES: Coaching bands are $20 and required at mat-side, inside the barriers. Five (5) entries get you one free coaching band, every five (10 entries, 2-bands) entries an additional band, etc. Wrestlers MUST SIGN-UP their club/team by name during registration and must represent their SCWAY club/team. NO ALL-STAR TEAMS. Coaches are to pick-up coaching bands and purchase additional bands at registration, on Friday, April 17, 2015.

13. INFECTIOUS SKIN SCREENING: A doctor’s note is required and must be submitted during weigh-ins or upon request for any and all skin conditions. It must state clearly that the skin condition is non-contagious, describing the location of the infected area(s) and the competitor is medically cleared to compete. All participants are subject to skin screening. For the health and safety of all participants, the Athletic Trainer on site will have the FINAL DECISION concerning all questionable skin conditions that will over-ride any doctor’s note. People have written their own clearance notes, so their wrestlers can participate. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR SKIN INFECTIONS.

14. ADMISSION: $10 per person.

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