Wrestler Spotlight: Kalila Shrive

Kalila Shrive - West HS
Kalila Shrive - West HS

Kalila Shrive – West HS

Kalila Shrive
Merrill West (sj) High School – Tracy, California
Age 16

Kalila won all three competitions on the way to the State Championship taking Regionals, Tcal then Masters at the Stockton Arena on Feb 18-19 2022. At State she won her first match on a second-period pin (3:13), won her second match on a 10-1 major decision, Quarterfinals won on a second-period pin (2:39). Semifinals was a first-period pin (0:50). Final match against Kaiulani Garcia from Gilroy High coached by legendary wrestler/MMA star Daniel Cormier went three periods with each wrestler scoring just once, each on an escape, to make it a 1-1 match going into overtime. 28 seconds into the sudden-victory overtime round Kalila scored on a takedown and the 3-1 win.

After the state championship win she decided to give Nationals a try and see how she stacks up against the best in America. So packed her bags and headed out to Virginia Beach to wrestle in the NHSCA high School All-American National Championship. This past weekend. She won all matches on her way to the overall win.

Match one pin in 48 seconds with a clean arm bar against J. Ortiz from Pennsylvania.

Match two pin in 40 seconds against L Soto from Georgia

Match Three Pin in 3.49 against A Valdez from New Mexico

Match 4 won 7 – 2 against B Araujo Batista from Louisiana

Final Won 5 – 2 against S Steigler from Virginia

Next up could be Reno Worlds next month and then focus on some freestyle for the summer months.

Kalila Shrive - West HS

Kalila Shrive – West HS

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