30th Annual Rich Swift Memorial Ironman Duals

Rich Swift Memorial Ironman Wrestling Duals

@ Newark Memorial HS

Boys Team Standings
1. Morro Bay
2. San Leandro
3. Firebaugh
4. American
5. Will C. Wood
6. Newark Memorial
7. Mission San Jose
8. Edison
9. Albany
10. Del Mar

The Rich Swift Memorial Ironman Wrestling Duals was a great day of competition in humankind’s oldest and greatest sport between teams from all over California. 

On the boys side, Morro Bay claimed the team title for the second consecutive year. Morro Bay went 5-0 on the day as they defeated Del Mar 78-6, Firebaugh 42-28, Edison 66-16, Newark Memorial 55-19 and in the finals San Leandro 55-19.  Firebaugh finished in 3rd place with American 4th, Will C. Wood 5th, Newark Memorial 6th, Mission San Jose 7th, Edison 8th, Albany 9th and Del Mar 10th.  Morro Bay also won the unofficial Team Character Award as minutes after winning their team title they went to work with the Newark Memorial teams to roll up, lift, and move mats before the awards ceremony.

Individual Ironman Awards for the boys: Justin Cisneros (MB), Sam Munoz (AM), Jordan Suba (AM), *Dennis Tray (MB), Jeron Haney (FIR), N. Herring (WCW), Tino Martinez (ED), Alden Zuber (SL), Marcus Mandler (SL), Angel Perez (FIR), Ian Franks (MB), D. Barnett (WCW), C. Maldonado (WCW), Marcos Gamez (FIR), Matt Melaykov (MSJ), Callen Ivy (SL), Gerry Flores (FIR), Tanner Daugherty (MB) and Elias Khamisy (MSJ).

For the second time a girls team division was added and Albany HS (5-0) improved on their runner up finish from 2017 by winning it all in 2018.  The Cougars defeated Tokay 45-36, Pioneer Valley 42-27, San Leandro 63-18, Firebaugh 71-18, and Newark Memorial 52-30. Tokay (4-1) was second and Pioneer Valley (3-2) 3rd.  Newark Memorial (2-3), San Leandro (1-4) and Firebaugh (0-5) rounded out the field.

The Individual Ironman Awards for the girls went to: Hannah Lacoste (PV), Samira Mason (TOK), Lexi Beadles (TOK), Christina Craig (NM), Mya Velasquez (PV), *Haile Beadles (TOK), Joanna Qiu (ALB), Alyandra Escalante (FIR), Francesca Lopresti (ALB).

*Rich Swift Outstanding Wrestler Award

Thank you to the many dedicated volunteers from the Newark Memorial Athletic Department, the Cougar Athletics Booster Club, the RSMIMWD Committee (Marty Balanon, Michalis Gordon, Delilah Troche, Jeff Aguilar, Jennifer Decker), and our sponsors: the Newark Rotary Club & WrestlingMart for their generous support.

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