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Quick 10 Questionnaire



Quick 10 Questions

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your School

    What are your goals for this season?

    Are you planning on wrestling in College?

    How special is your relationships with your Coaches?

    Who has been your biggest supporters so far in your life?

    What is the one thing that you have to do in practice that you dislike the most?

    What advice would you give a little wrestler who is just starting out in his first season?

    Who has been the toughest opponent you've wrestled thus far in your career?

    What is your favorite TV show?

    What other talents do you have besides wrestling?

    What is one thing that most people don't know about you?

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    Quick 10 – Josh Hokit



    Clovis Wrestling - Quick10

    Clovis Wrestling

    Quick 10 Questions – Josh Hokit

    Clovis HS – CS

    What are your goals for this season?

    I want to be a TRAC, Valley, Master & State Champion. All 4 will be really tough to accomplish. It will be really fun trying though.

    Are you planning on wrestling in College?

    Yes, I plan to either wrestle or play football in college. I currently start on Clovis Varsity football team as a Soph. I am hoping to get all of my education paid for. I love both sports and which ever one gives me the most money for college is probably the direction that I will go.

    How special is your relationships with your Coaches?

    My coaches are awesome. I haven’t been out to wrestling very much because I have football practice everyday right now. The coach that I am around the most right now is Coach Steve Tirapelle. He is the best. He treats me like I am one of his kids. My whole family loves him. He cares about the kids at Clovis more then just a coach or teacher. He spends a lot of his personal time supporting random kids that aren’t even involved in the wrestling program. Coach Steve is a good man and it shows in the wrestling program that he leads.

    Who has been your biggest supporters so far in your life?

    My dad. He has always pushed me to go a little harder then I would have on my own. He is the reason that we are at Clovis. He wants us to have the best opportunities that a high school can provide.

    What is the one thing that you have to do in practice that you dislike the most?

    There is a workout at Clovis called the Yoke Bar. I haven’t really went through one yet because of football practice, but I am sure that I’m really going to dislike it once I do!

    What advice would you give a little wrestler who is just starting out in his first season?

    Don’t worry about cutting weight and winning and losing when you first start out. Learn how to wrestle the right way so that you don’t have to constantly relearn things when you get older. Winning youth national titles will only mean something to you and your parents. They mean nothing to the guys that you wrestle in high school and to the colleges coaches that you hope will recruit you in high school.

    Who has been the toughest opponent you’ve wrestled thus far in your career?

    Vincent Gomez. He kept me from placing at the state tournament last year in the round of 12. He had been my brother and I’s work out partner almost our whole career until high school. So just imagine everyone, I got to deal with his dirty wrestling everyday for hrs and not just a single tournament on a weekend! LOL Jk kind of.. haha

    What is your favorite TV show?

    Walking Dead!!! Best show ever made!!

    What other talents do you have besides wrestling?

    I am a good football player. I am a pretty good baseball player too.

    What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

    I am a professional Madden Football gamer. I am pretty much the best kid that ever strapped on a head set. I don’t even have to play in Madden tournaments when they have them. I just go straight to the finals. LOL

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    Quick 10 – Isaiah Hokit



    Isaiah Hokit - Quick10

    Isaiah Hokit – Clovis HS

    Quick 10 Questions – Isaiah Hokit

    Clovis HS – CS

    What are your goals for this season?

    I want to be a state champion. My coaches are the best in the state and they are helping me get better everyday. I am fixing all of the little stuff that has kept me from being at the top of the medal stand every year. I also have the best workout partners. I couldn’t ask for a better situation to be in help me achieve my goals.

    Are you planning on wrestling in College?

    Yes wrestling in college has been my goal since I was old enough to even think about having a goal. I want to wrestle for a Division 1 school and hopefully become a All American multiple times. I would eventually like to coach in college.

    How special is your relationships with your Coaches?

    I couldn’t ask for better coaches. Their results speak for themselves. It is really cool to have the confidence that I have in what my coaches say. I have a coach that has been a 3 time NCAA All American and a NCAA Champion and his dad has coached 18 state champions just since being at Clovis. Every coach on my team has wrestled in college and some even coached in college. Clovis is really like a family and my coaches are the reason. They really care how we are doing in everything in our lives. My coaches are awesome!

    Who has been your biggest supporters so far in your life?

    I would have to say my dad. He has taken my brother and I all over the country since we were 5 years old. He wants the best for us. He is also our biggest critic. LOL.

    What is the one thing that you have to do in practice that you dislike the most?

    It just depends. Sometimes you are sore, so some things are tougher to do then others on those days. What I dislike most would probably be when I have to drill technique that I am not that good at. It is embarrassing to look like a first year wrestler when you have wrestled your whole life. LOL

    What advice would you give a little wrestler who is just starting out in his first season?

    Learn good position before you do anything else. Don’t fall in love with head locks and cement mixers. Eventually that stuff won’t work all the time on the best guys. Good position and technique works on everyone and you need love wrestling! It is hard to not get better if you love what you are doing.

    Who has been the toughest opponent you’ve wrestled thus far in your career?

    Zahid Valencia & Israel Saavedra. Both of these guys have been giving me a hard time since I was a little kid. Our families have been friends as long as I can remember so it’s hard to hate them LOL

    What is your favorite TV show?

    Eastbound & Down on HBO.

    What other talents do you have besides wrestling?

    I was a pretty decent football player before I start wrestling full time.

    What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

    I am a expert at all of the Call of Duty video games! I’m not saying that I am the best, but I’m pretty sure that you have never played with anyone better! 😉 LOL

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    Quick 10 – Paul Fox



    Paul Fox - Quick10

    Paul Fox – Gilroy HS

    Quick 10 Questions – Paul Fox

    Gilroy HS – CCS

    What are your goals for this season?

    To win state as a team and as an individual.

    Are you planning on wrestling in College?


    How special is your relationships with your Coaches?

    I have very close relationships with all my coaches, which is very special to me.

    Who has been your biggest supporters so far in your life?

    My parents, coaches, and teachers.

    What is the one thing that you have to do in practice that you dislike the most?


    What advice would you give a little wrestler who is just starting out in his first season?

    Don’t quit no matter how hard it gets.

    Who has been the toughest opponent you’ve wrestled thus far in your career?

    Aaron Pico

    What is your favorite TV show?


    What other talents do you have besides wrestling?

    Fast runner and good at water sports.

    What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

    In 2008, I rode my bike from California to Maine with my family.

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