Class of 2026 – Top Wrestlers

California High School Wrestling - Top Incoming Freshmen

California High School Wrestling - Top Incoming Freshmen

Here are the top freshman hammers who will be looking to make an impact this upcoming 2022-2023 season. Comment below on who you think will have a great shot at placing at the State Meet in February.

Fill out the form below to let us know about a wrestler who should be on this list.

Anderson WrestlingAlias RabyAnderson (ns)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Alvarez WrestlingJacob PerezAlvarez (cc)
Birmingham WrestlingHenry AsilkyanBirminghamCalifornia High School Wrestling State Medalist
Bakersfield WrestlingSilas VarnerBakersfield
Buchanan WrestlingRocklin ZinkinBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingAshton BesmerBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingJoseph ToscanoBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingBlake WoodwardBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingChris HuertaBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Buchanan WrestlingJohnathan RochaBuchanan (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Cabrillo WrestlingAndrew WallaceCabrillo (cs)
Calvary Chapel WrestlingAaron SilvaCalvary Chapel (ss)
Calvary Chapel WrestlingVinny HannaCalvary Chapel (ss)
Camarillo WrestlingJosh RequenaCamarillo (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Calvary Chapel WrestlingRiki VillasenorCalvary Chapel (ss)
Central Catholic WrestlingAlex GutierrezCentral Catholic (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Chaminade WrestlingSlava ShahbazyanChaminade (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Chaparral WrestlingDylan NatceliChaparral (ss)
Chino WrestlingNate CauwelChino (ss)
Chino WrestlingJohnny MaderaChino (ss)
Clovis WrestlingRaymond RiveraClovis (cs)
Clovis WrestlingThunder LewisClovis (cs)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Clovis WrestlingTimmy FitzgeraldClovis (cs)
De La Salle WrestlingLiam MillerDe La Salle (nc)
Del Oro WrestlingSiraj SidhuDel Oro (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Del Oro WrestlingChristian PerezDel Oro (sj)
Del Oro WrestlingJamison FrenchDel Oro (sj)
Del Oro WrestlingLogan AlexanderDel Oro (sj)
Etiwanda WrestllingMaxx DiazEtiwanda (ss)
Durham WrestlingShayna WardDurham (ns)
Firebaugh WrestlingJovani AguilarFirebaugh (cs)
Folsom WrestlingAnthony CruzFolsom (sj)
Folsom WrestlingKayden HoangFolsom (sj)
Fountain Valley WrestlingHunter JaureguiFountain Valley HS (ss)
Frontier WrestlingTobias LomberaFrontier (cs)
Frontier WrestlingJackson NavenFrontier (cs)
Gilroy WrestlingKaleo GarciaGilroy (cc)
Gilroy WrestlingDominic BozanicGilroy (cc)
Gilroy WrestlingMoses MendozaGilroy (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Gilroy WrestlingTravis GraceGilroy (cc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Gilroy WrestlingJose LimonesGilroy (cc)
Glendora WrestlingAnthony ReyesGlendora (ss)
Granada WrestlingJack BakerGranada (nc)
Granada WrestlingMaile NguyenGranada (nc)
Granite Hills WrestlingAiden ChurGranite Hills (sd)
Granada WrestlingStevie Joyce MartinGranada (nc)
JW North WrestlingCoby MerrillJW North (s)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Kingsburg WrestlingCarlos MelgozaKingsburg (cs)
La Costa Canyon WrestlingLawson FryLa Costa Canyon (sd)
Liberty - Brentwood WrestlingDavid Calkins Jr.Liberty (nc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Los Gatos WrestlingAntonio RodriguezLos Gatos (nc)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Los Gatos WrestlingJoseph Pavlov-RamirezLos Gatos (nc)
Oakdale WrestlingEzekiel HernandezOakdale (sj)
Oakdale WrestlingCody SoaresOakdale (sj)
Oakdale WrestlingJesse MezaOakdale (sj)
Oakdale WrestlingWes BurfordOakdale (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Paso Robles WrestlingDominic MarquezPaso Robles (cs)
Ezekiel BellancaPlacer (sj)
Pitman WrestlingMason OntiverosPitman (sj)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
Pitman WrestlingTroy CejaPitman (sj)
Pitman WrestlingCarter VannestPitman (sj)
Poway WrestlingRyan RiosPoway (sd)
Red Bluff WrestlingBrice Bearchum-ClingerRed Bluff (ns)
Eleanor Roosevelt WrestlingNoah MontesRoosevelt (ss)
San Marino WrestlingMikel David UyemuraSan Marino (ss)
Selma WrestlingCarlos MelgozaSelma (cs)
Sheldon WrestlingNoah DanielsSheldon (sj)
Silver Creek WrestlingAlijah GuzmanSilver Creek (cc)
Sobrato WrestlingTommy HolguinSobrato (cc)
Sonora WrestlingCash ByingtonSonora (sj)
St. John Bosco WrestlingNathan CarilloSt. John Bosco (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
St. John Bosco WrestlingSean WilcoxSt. John Bosco (ss)California High School Wrestling State Medalist
St. Mary's WrestlingEJ SheeranSt. Mary's (sj)
Tulare Union WrestlingJonathan JassoTulare (cs)
Vacaville WrestlingIsaac PadillaVacaville (sj)
Vacaville WrestlingBrady WightVacaville (sj)
Vacaville WrestlingRichard CavanaghVacaville (sj)

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