Del Oro Wins the La Costa Canyon Invite

Tristan Lujan - Selma HS

Tristan Lujan - Selma HS

Tristan Lujan – Selma HS

By David A. Willauer-Contributing Writer
La Costa Canyon Wrestling Invitational – La Costa Canyon High School
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Del Oro High School claimed the 2019 La Costa Canyon High School Wrestling Invitational as they finished in 1st place with 229 points, 1 champion in Issac Herrara at 106 pounds along with 9 place winners.

2nd place was Selma High School with two champions in Richard Figueroa at 120 pounds and Tristan Lujan at 126 pounds and five other place winners. Finishing 3rd was Slam High School with 184 points and eight place winners. Coming in fourth place was Oakdale High School with 176 points. They finished with three champions at 113 pounds Michael Torres, Seth Borba 1st at 160 and at 152 Ceasar Garza along with two other place finishers.

5th was Cherokee Trail from Colorado with 138 points, Sam Hart 1st at 220 along with four place winners. 6th Chaparral with 113 points with Karson Martin finishing first along with one other place winner. 7th place tie between La Costa Canyon and Citrus Hill each with 110 points. For LCC Joe Curtis finished in first place at 182 pounds along with one other place winner. Citrus Hill only winner at 138 pounds was Gabriel Schumm along with two place winners.
Alex Ramirez finished first at 145 for Rowland as they finished in a tie for 19th place and had 1 other place winner. Calvary Chapel had one champion in Andrew Sparks as he finished in first place at 171 pounds along with two other place finishers.Oceanside had one champion in Shane Hansen at 195 pounds as they finished with 35 points.

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