Dress Up as Olympic Gold Medalist Jake Varner for Halloween

Jake Varner

Having trouble finding the perfect costume this Halloween? We’ve got you covered! Make your dream come true for one day as the 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist, Jake Varner. Here’s what you’ll need:

• US Flag
If you live in America you should already have one or more of these but if you don’t get to your local Walmart.

• Cauliflower Ears
Don’t have cauliflower ears yet? You don’t always have to be wrestling to get cauliflower ear. If you don’t have cauliflower ears then grab a pair of these ears.

• Singlet
Go bulging with your freestyle singlet! Don’t worry about getting cold when you trick or treat, you’ll have the American flag to keep you warm.

• Wrestling Shoes
Strap on your old wrestling shoes. Make sure you clean your wrestling shoes real good before stepping back on the wrestling mat.

• Black Socks
It wouldn’t be right if you weren’t wearing black socks. Get your black socks on or barrow your dad’s church socks.

• Gold MedalLet’s hope you have a gold medal or two hanging up in your room that you could through around your neck for the day. If not, you could buy one at the dollar store, make your own out of paper or even borrow your older brother’s gold medal.

• Trim Hair & Dye it Yellow
Lastly, get out your hair clippers and buzz your skater hair. You could take it to the next step by dying your hair blond if it isn’t already.

Most importantly, have fun and be safe this Halloween.
P.S. Wrestling season is right around the corner!

Jake Varner

Photo by John Sachs – Tech-Fall.com

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