Lancaster – Team Preview 2014-15

CalGrappler Team Previews

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1. Team


2. Coach Name(s)

Jonny Rugan

3. 2013-14 Dual Record


4. 2013-14 League Place


5. 2013-14 Masters Finish

1 Girls Masters Champion, 2 other Girls Qualifier, 1 Boys Qualifier

6. 2013-14 Team State Finish


7. 2013-14 State Placers

Girls State Champion: Nahiela Magee

8. Top Returners

Billy Divins: CIF Placer, Tiffany Rivas: State Qualifier, Hannah Quinn: Masters Qualifier, Denver Divins:3rd Frosh Soph State, Nathan Sears: 4th Frosh/ Soph State, Brian Anderson: 7th Freestyle State

9. Top Newcomers

Donovan Whitley, Anthony Najera: World Champion on Jui Jitsu

10. Tough Tournaments you’re attending this season

Cimmeron Duals, Battle for the Belt, Dick Comly, Newbury Park, Rosemead Classic, Eagle Invite

11. 2014-15 Season Outlook

This is Coach Rugan’s 3rd season with the Eagles. The team has been training throughout the year and we are looking to gain headway as a team from last year. We are looking to win our first League Title as well as advance a minimum of 5 CIF placers and 3 State qualifiers. We plan to send at least 3 wrestlers to college this year.

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