Quick 10 – Josh Hokit

Clovis Wrestling
Clovis Wrestling - Quick10

Clovis Wrestling

Quick 10 Questions – Josh Hokit

Clovis HS – CS

What are your goals for this season?

I want to be a TRAC, Valley, Master & State Champion. All 4 will be really tough to accomplish. It will be really fun trying though.

Are you planning on wrestling in College?

Yes, I plan to either wrestle or play football in college. I currently start on Clovis Varsity football team as a Soph. I am hoping to get all of my education paid for. I love both sports and which ever one gives me the most money for college is probably the direction that I will go.

How special is your relationships with your Coaches?

My coaches are awesome. I haven’t been out to wrestling very much because I have football practice everyday right now. The coach that I am around the most right now is Coach Steve Tirapelle. He is the best. He treats me like I am one of his kids. My whole family loves him. He cares about the kids at Clovis more then just a coach or teacher. He spends a lot of his personal time supporting random kids that aren’t even involved in the wrestling program. Coach Steve is a good man and it shows in the wrestling program that he leads.

Who has been your biggest supporters so far in your life?

My dad. He has always pushed me to go a little harder then I would have on my own. He is the reason that we are at Clovis. He wants us to have the best opportunities that a high school can provide.

What is the one thing that you have to do in practice that you dislike the most?

There is a workout at Clovis called the Yoke Bar. I haven’t really went through one yet because of football practice, but I am sure that I’m really going to dislike it once I do!

What advice would you give a little wrestler who is just starting out in his first season?

Don’t worry about cutting weight and winning and losing when you first start out. Learn how to wrestle the right way so that you don’t have to constantly relearn things when you get older. Winning youth national titles will only mean something to you and your parents. They mean nothing to the guys that you wrestle in high school and to the colleges coaches that you hope will recruit you in high school.

Who has been the toughest opponent you’ve wrestled thus far in your career?

Vincent Gomez. He kept me from placing at the state tournament last year in the round of 12. He had been my brother and I’s work out partner almost our whole career until high school. So just imagine everyone, I got to deal with his dirty wrestling everyday for hrs and not just a single tournament on a weekend! LOL Jk kind of.. haha

What is your favorite TV show?

Walking Dead!!! Best show ever made!!

What other talents do you have besides wrestling?

I am a good football player. I am a pretty good baseball player too.

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

I am a professional Madden Football gamer. I am pretty much the best kid that ever strapped on a head set. I don’t even have to play in Madden tournaments when they have them. I just go straight to the finals. LOL

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