Washington Union – Team Preview 2014-15
1. Team
Washington Union
2. Coach Name(s)
Justin Woltz and Ryan Stockton
3. 2013-14 Dual Record
4. 2013-14 League Place
5. 2013-14 Masters Finish
6. 2013-14 Team State Finish
7. 2013-14 State Placers
Gabriel Gonzalez 2nd at 220 lbs.
8. Top Returners
Ian Higuera, Dylan Nguyen, Daniel Briseno, TouLee Xiong, and Deandre Eason
9. Top Newcomers
Miguel Galindo
10. Tough Tournaments you’re attending this season
11. 2014-15 Season Outlook
Excited about this years team! After a year of new faces this years team is looking to set the tone for years to come. If the core group stays focused the results could be huge!
Yeah, they left that blank. I guess we’ll have to add that when we see their schedule.
They didn’t say what tough tournaments they will be attending this year.